Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Malaysian Chinese Muslim Mosque

The New Putrajaya 'Steel' Mosque is yet to be completed.
It is located strategically by the lake and behind Putrajaya Corporation.
The complex will have a Qiblat Walk, where a bazaar will house varieties of stuff.
Whilst cycling beside the mosque this morning, i realised that the design of the Mosque looks like a Chinese Mandarin headgear, and the motif of the wall looks Chinese too.
I reckon that it will be nicknamed the Chinese Mosque or Mesjid Cina!!!

1 comment:

ruby ahmad said...

Hi Azudin,

Waduh..there's a Malaysian Chinese Muslim Mosque? Anyway, one day when I do pass thru Putrajaya will have a closer look at it.

Btw, can I ask for a favour? Could you post bigger family photos? I clicked to enlarge but tak dapat...he he.