Sunday, January 04, 2009

First Sunday of the Year

I liken exercising, in this case cycling as a form of servicing our body.
We send our cars for regular maintainance service and likewise even our bike needs servicing.
So how do we service our body?
Well getting the heart to reach the required level and start pumping furiously is one of the way.
In cycling, my body sweats like a monsoon rain, basah kuyup and i can practically see the sweat running down my face and hands,menitis nitis. My shirt is thoroughly wet, hence after each ride, i will put on a fresh dry shirt.
The feeling is great, segar macam baru service kereta.

Alhamdullillah, for the last one week, i have felt really great, despite the regimentation of cycling either night or day or both!!
Only last night i was on the bed before midnight.
This morning, i tried for the first time, the GCE Ride , on my trusted Proton T-Sprint R.
Joining the Rubberman( a devisionist of Ironman but in the same Le Tuang group)led by OP Pedro and assisted by OP Doc Olmo, i had to cycle 18km non stop till the Nasi Dagang stall off the junction to Kuang from Sg Buloh road.Total ride distance was about 40km plus minus!!
These Rubberman on their roadies are fast, despite what they say about themselves.
I wonder how the Ironman do?
That's one of the reason, i have yet to garner enough courage to join them.
Anyway, OP Pedro was responsible enough to ensure that he keeps count of everybody under his charge.
Nobody was left behind.
My Plasticman Gang did me proud, on their mtb, matching the speed of the Rubberman.
Just you wait Rubbeman, till all my Plasticman gets their roadies.
We might be Tin-man or Carbon-man

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