Tuesday, January 06, 2009

First Monday of the Year

I did not feel right when i woke up. Felt that there was a small lump at the back of my head.Could not sleep well too the night before, felt a slight pain.
Instead of going to the office, i went to see a doctor friend of mine at his clinic.
Today being the first day of school, he too was late opening the clinic.
According to him, there is a slight lump, but there was no visual discolouration and it did not look serious enough. He recommended that i take some rest and see how it goes.
However, not wanting to break my daily ride routine, i joined my PERs gang in their Monday PNR. Did a fast ride with only one stop.
That's why i am still awake on this 6th Day of the year.


KotaStar said...

Hi, Pak Non disini, Like you I am a late sleeper. At my age 3-4 hrs sleep is good enough and meantime I am at my desk typing this away. You know, the computer is a great thing and able to use the internet is a greater joy. It keeps you occupied and you can see the number of topics / stories I have managed to subscribe in my blog. Next to that we can talk to one another and esp with families. Like I am with you right now. Din I am glad you have found Nina and others too.
I am glad to learn about yr great exercise and maybe one day come and take a ride in yr home town or Langkawi. BTW let me have yr ph no so that I can contact you when we are at Putrajaya/USJ. We will be there this weekend. Salam to you

aofuad said...

Pak Non,
I have plans to cycle from Putrajaya to Jitra this year.
I wanted to do it in 2006, but had to cancell it because of job committment.
InsyaAllah it will happen this year, probably in July.
You are most welcomed to drop by Putrajaya.
My hp no is 012-3993125.

KotaStar said...

Dear Din,
Great we will expecting you and members. You can include a visit to yr uncle's home at Titi Gajah. I read about yr obligation to vist Mekkah for umrah and Haj Good decision and I am sure you will make it happen. Our daughter and hubby at Usj will return on 11 Jan So we will be there this weekend. I am also thinking of geeting 2 bikes for us to ride here, Can you advise what we should get for a quiet weekend ride? The road to the airport is quite pleasant. BTW there is a friend in the Perancang Bandar office Putrajaya who goes riding too. I am sure he will be interested to join you. His name is Azizi Tarmizi. His dad was my colleague at Kirkby before. Pl call 0192887107. So far from his writing in the blog he goes solo and I am sure he will be glad to meet you and gang. He cycled when he was in Japan and UK.
We will give you a call. Regards to all yr mum esp if she is with u.

Queen Of The House said...

Abang Din ... looks like we are all converging here! Daddy ... join the family tree on Geni and help to build it sebab I am sure your generation will have more info. And p.s. get one bike for me too while you are at it, haha!!

aofuad said...

Pak Non,
The cheapest bike shop is in Alor Star, so i was told. The shop SHIMANO is somewhere near Bukhari Complex.
I will get the proper adddress.
It is important to get the proper size.
There is a lot of difference between mountain bike and road bike(bicycle racing).
I would advise you to get a mountain bike first.
A good one will cost in the region of RM 1000 plus.
My gang is using the Proton T-bolt, which is now selling below RM1000, because Proton wants to get rid of their stock and close down their Proton bike division.
The T-bolt is quite a good buy, at the present rate.

aofuad said...

Pak Non,
I have made contact with Azizi.
Coincidentally he has read about our cycling activities through a blog of one of our members, Pak Adib. He has read about my name mentioned in that blog. Told him about our schedule and has invited him to join our PERs google group.
Did you manage to find the bike shop near the Bukhari complex Jalan Langgar.The owner is Mr Ghee 04-7310375.