Monday, December 29, 2008

Hijrah-moving on

Well, yesterday evening i had the opportunity to recite the doa akhir and awal tahun.
Since it is only done once a year, i was reading it out from the small kitab, given to me by my wife.
My understanding of the doa is that as much as we have committed so many flaws in the year before, yet Allah has been ever merciful and forgiving.
The doa for the new year is only asking Allah to safeguard us from the temptations to succumb to the devil's wishes and to help us to go in the path of rightiousness.
It is a simple doa and easily done.
But as always,it is not as easy as it look.
Hijrah means moving on to a better life.
Hijrah means taking risks.
Hijrah means doing something better.
Hijrah means change for the better.
May this new Hijrah year bring good tidings to who ever read my blog.
I hope to write in as often as possible and share some of my worldly views, which might be different from the norm, hence my musings of second thoughts.

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