Alhamdullillah and AllahuAkbar.
SubhanaAllah Walhamdulillah Walaillah hailaAllah AllahhuAkbar
Got back intact from Makkah Mukkaramah on Sunday,12th April(my mother's 74th birthday) at 1103 hrs.She came along with me together with my wife, youngest brother and my wife's younger brother and his wife.
Everything went well as i had expected all this while.
It was the easiest journey of my life.After all it was a journey back to the home of my beloved Tok Nenek and Moyang Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.
so when you go back to your Tok's house, why should it be a problem to you?
Even if you forget to bring a sarung, they will provide it for you.
Sure enough he will feeed you with plenty of Air Zam Zam, the miracle water that fulfills all thirst and hunger and also provide the essential vitamins and cure for all what is there to worry?
I enjoyed the power of Allah Almighty and everything that i thought what Kaabah would be was proven true.
All the stories that i heard from others about Kaabah was proven wrong.
Kaabah is the easiest place to go, very systematic and there was no hassle at all to conduct my tawaf and saaie.
My observations is that in as much as the place is a holy land and faultless in all manner, unfortunately there were plenty of idiots circling the place and tawaf fing the Kaabah...
Hence as much as Islam is perfect, a majority of the ummah are bloody idiots and terribly illiterate and ill educated.
No wonder Muslims cannot unite.
Malaysians seems quite a sombong lot, sad to senyum kat kita pun susah..and most of them look confuse and pretend to be concentrating in just praying to God, wheras God wanted them to see all manner of humans there and to interact with Muslims of other nations...
Ini tak depa ta tegur sapa dan ingat kan the best thing to do is concentrate in their doa saja and ta perdulikan orang yang di kiri kanan mereka.
I managed to kucup Hijarul Aswad 4 times,the first 3 was done in one Tawaf during the 6,7 and 8 round after my first Subuh prayers there. Managed Umrah complete 4 times(2 for me and the other 2 for my father and grandmother). and tawaf sunat countless times i.e. at every opportunity before and after the solat waktu....after all tawaf is solat sunat masjid why should i waste time just solat sunat wheras i can tawaf sunat..after all i can always solat sunat at other places and time, whereas tawaf can only be done at Kaabah....
It was easy as ABC, no problem and no big deal.
In Madinah i prayed at and inside Raudah at all the strategic places as recommended countless number of times.(There are certain places, in raudah that our doa are answered and granted on the spot).
Was in perfect health all the time and never missed any of the main prayers in the mosque and praying within inches at all the strategic places, less inside Hijr Ismail.(too crowded).Ta ada occasion to batal air sembahyang or sakit perut never had the occasion to pay a visit to the toilet...
Only once i wuduk guna air zam zam dalam mesjid...
Had many memorable experience in the Kaabah and witnessed and experience the power of Allah showing his powers on the spot.
One of the petunjuk that i got whilst praying under the Pancuran Emas, is that, whenever the time comes when any of my daughters wants to get married, the Hantaran must be a package Umrah by TH Travel for two persons to a room and not the normal monetary value place to the hantaran.
Another petunjuk is that i must not trust those that seems to be knowledgeable...i.e. jangan percaya orang especially your close ones...
There are a few other lessons that i got too, that should make me a much wiser man.
Sorry,another petunjuk is that i should not change my ways, i.e. can use vulgar words and critical analysis..i.e. can keep on kutuk mengutuk...
Well, my advise to all of you is please go soonest, whether Haji or Umrah as soon as possible don't wait until you have money or have supposedly sembahyang secukup nya,,,,kalau perlu pinjam duit to go, jangan pinjam duit beli rumah or kereta sahaja..
You can go as what you are now, and don't worry about ta cukup syarat, konon nya and takut tuhan punish kalau kita ta cukup syarat....i.e..dah habis buat dosa baru na pi.
This is the old school of thoughts...
Please go as soon as you can afford to borrow money and see the Power of Allah Taala.....LIVE IN ACTION....
I went with an open mind and came back intact and unscathed, despite my foul mouth and critical opinions of people.
It goes to prove that Allah knows best...what is really in your heart....
You don't have to be a big hypocrite and great pretender..
Do not worry and pretend to wait for the right moment or the right calling by Allah...
It is only the devil in you that is making you wait for the so called calling.....
Allah never meant for you to wait for his calling....HE has invited you even before you were born...
If you need any tips on how easy performing the Umrah...i am most willing to give you personal tuition..and precious tips.
If you want me to accompany you and be your tourist guide, i am most willing to do it provided you pay for my fare, which is dirt cheap for a 9 days Umrah package. My bicycle cost more, sadly.
Col Azudin,
Alhamdulilah,Allah has blessed your journey.The idiots you mentioned are those who belong and practise Mazhab al--Jahilun. I have seen them many times on my umrah trips and I believe they will be there until they have acquired knowledge and given Guidance by Allah swt.Some of the things I have seen,I dare not write in my blog.
Pak Adib,
Thanks for your honest comments.
My contention is to prove that Muslims are made to live a perfect life...not to be Idiots....
Let me quote a note written by a famous Ulama Sheikh Al-Maududi:
If the donkey belongs to even Isa al-Masih A.S went to Makkah,it shall return home as a donkey!
Dear Din,
Welcome back, and thanks for informing me that you are also a blogger. I'll keep viewing your blog
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